星期天 一部电影 一段感情
我们常常在繁忙的都市生活里忘了感恩 忘了珍惜身边的人与事
了解我的人都知道我喜欢把时间排得满满的 有时满的喘不过气
本来也是排满了今天的行程 因为对方有急事 加上我生体不适 就取消完了整天的行程
于是无所事事的我就选了 About Time 作为陪伴我的电影
人总会希望可以回到过去 改变自己的决定
如果有这个能力 你会选择改变什么?
不过到了故事的最后 我深深体会到了 要珍惜身边的一切人与事
有时我们往往太忙于工作 忘了初衷 忽略了我们的亲人与爱人
要把每一天都好好的享受 因为我们都没有办法reset再重来
下一次当你觉得工作很压力 回到家却想发脾气的时候 停下来想一想
我们只能活在今天一次 真的想对你最亲密的人发脾气吗?
学会感恩 学会珍惜 其实一切都得来不容易
<3 p="">Song of the day: How Long Will I Love You
<3 p="">
<3 p="">https://youtu.be/iQop_qs4xV4
<3 p="">
<3 p="">
<3 p="">
dreamer's footsteps
Every footsteps leads to a different journey
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Thursday, September 28, 2017
每一天 从你起身的那一刻
闹钟响,起床 还是 赖床
换衣, 蓝色 还是 白色
早餐, 面包 还是 饼干
出门, 高根 还是平底
很多决定 还要顾虑到周围的人
人长越大 发觉顾虑的事越多
也因为 要负责任的越来越多
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Day 1 Fremantle
Our first stop - Frementle Market which is only available on the weekend!
Freemantle building itself is a heritage building, you can see it from the years stated on the building.It's basically a market that sells food, souvenir, arts etc. We didn't have our breakfast fix over here thou as we are saving our stomach for fish and chips~ We grab some snack like fried calamari, potato chips and some fruit juice.
You will get to see alot of different performance on the street, is really interesting! If you are not in hurry, just stop by and have a look at the performance.
Entrance of Fremantle Market |
Different kinds of coffee bean, quite regret i didnt grab any! |
We did not spend really long hours at the market as we are really hungry and craving for the legendary fish & Chip which is strongly recommend by our friend. Remember to buy the caramel macadamia from the market, if you love caramel =)
It is located by the harbour, so if you are sitting outside, you will have alot of birdie accompanying you while you dine. Of course, they are also eyeing on your leftover foods, when you stand up and leave just stay around to see what happen haha!
Circerello's Fish & Chip! |
Steady and eyeing for food! |
Selfie time! |
See the background? Stunningly beautiful! |
This is a MUST! The Chili Mussels is so YUM! |
Fish & Chips! |
Dont worry about the fries, you will get plenty of it! Basically we ordered, Chili Mussels, Two place of Fish & Chips and Salt and Pepper Squid (spot it on the pic above) Believe it or not, that's all what we order for the 7 of us and we cant finish it (so not us!) I'm not really a fish and chip person, so i fancy the mussels and the squid more haha.
Nice view, Nice Food, Best Friends.. What more to ask for on a holiday?
If you are visiting there, do remember to check the weather, not fun to go on a rainy day!
More details for Cicerello's : http://www.cicerellos.com.au/
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Hello Perth!
The moment i step out of the airport, I knew i would love Perth!
It's my very first trip to Australia, and i'm so excited about it! I know nobody really reading my blog anymore now, since the content had been so blank after i became an auditor. Still, i decide to blog about my trip as this would be a great place to save down my memories(since the brain memory is so limited and i cant upsize it with SD card lol)
Blue Sky, White Cloud, what more can i ask for? With some cooling breeze greeting our face, glad that i made the choice to go Perth with my bffs.
It's my very first trip to Australia, and i'm so excited about it! I know nobody really reading my blog anymore now, since the content had been so blank after i became an auditor. Still, i decide to blog about my trip as this would be a great place to save down my memories(since the brain memory is so limited and i cant upsize it with SD card lol)
My first view of Perth |
Sunday, July 7, 2013
都市人的生活 总是那么的仓促和匆忙
只有旅行时 才能真正喘一口气(虽然我们的行程也很紧凑 lol)
去了一趟台湾, 感受了台湾人的热情
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
双喜城酒家- Oriental Viva
Chinese people have a saying, 民以食为天
So, celebrating birthday would be a good reason for us to tuck in with good food!
My dad is a traditional man, so Chinese restaurant would be the best place to celebrate his birthday!
And here we are at 双喜城酒家- Oriental Viva
We order the set menus for 6 pax RM388++
There are various other type of set menus available, you can check out from their website but it must be reserve in advance for taking the set menus!
This is our very first time visiting this place, to our surprise it was actually quite full house despite it is located at a very deserted 3rd floor, and corner place. Would love to go back and try other dish again =)
How to go there?
Located at: 3rd Floor, Viva Home Shopping Mall, Jalan Loke Yew Kuala Lumpur
More info:-
龙 虾 肉 南 天 烩 鱼 翅 |
I love the broth! The pumpkin blend in well to this dish.
缤 纷 乳 香 肉 |
I shall give a thumb up for this! But is only limited to one per person. The pork was crispy and goes well with all the vege. Yum Yum!
治 味 猪 肚 捞 嫩 鸡 |
Not bad, we dont really take intestines but with all the onions,garlic, ginger marinate together we happily finish it..
豚 肉 月 光 波 菜 |
豚 肉 月 光 波 菜 2 |
This must be finish while its hot, too much starch in it. When it got cold, is kinda geli
上 海 粉 皮 泡 椒 蒸 游 水 鲈 鱼 |
Not much comment for the fish, but you see the white kuey teow thing? That's quite special to me.
鲍 鱼 焗 饭 |
I think i'd tried better one in China, but not bad =)
Cake from Delectable |
The Chocolate cake taste good, but not the cream =X
Happy Birthday Papa! |
We order the set menus for 6 pax RM388++
There are various other type of set menus available, you can check out from their website but it must be reserve in advance for taking the set menus!
This is our very first time visiting this place, to our surprise it was actually quite full house despite it is located at a very deserted 3rd floor, and corner place. Would love to go back and try other dish again =)
How to go there?
Located at: 3rd Floor, Viva Home Shopping Mall, Jalan Loke Yew Kuala Lumpur
More info:-
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